Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock Song



The wise man built his house upon the rock (3x)
And the rains came tumbling down.
the rains came down as the floods came up (3x)
And the wise man’s house stood firm.

The foolish man built his house upon the sand (3x)
And the rains came tumbling down.
the rains came down as the floods came up (3x)
And the foolish man’s house went splat.

So build your life on the Lord, Jesus Christ (3x)
And the blessing will come down.
the blessings come down as the prayers go up (3x)
So build your life on the Lord, Jesus Christ.
*Mission Bible Class does not own the rights to this song.

Joehan Learns to Sing “The Wise Man”

Here’s a video clip from a mother, Anju, who stumbled upon this song online. She’s a good example of how important mothers are to the development of a child’s faith in God.

Anju says, “All I wanted is to introduce Jesus to my son as early as possible before he gets to know the world. When I was looking for the bible songs/teaching material I found this website and found very helpful…material is very clear and simple. I watch these videos with my son first and we practice it whever we get time (bath/when driving etc).He is really enjoying this and helps me to build a good bonding with him.”

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