Games and Learning Activities

Pass the Parcel


Children (and many adults) love to play games and participate in activities. These activities can be used to enhance learning and enjoy fellowship together. God made people to enjoy connection with other people, and playing games is a great way to have fun and build connection with others.

Choose a variety of activities so children with various skills feel good about participating. If games include both skill and chance, then everyone has a chance to win. As a rule, I don’t give out prizes for games. We play for the fun of it in my lessons.

Suggested Activities:

1. Bible Wordz


Letter tiles


In this adaptable game, children form words from letter tiles. The words relate to words found in the Bible lesson. Bible Wordz instructions here.

2. Bottlecap Word Puzzles


Bottle caps, letters of the alphabet cut from paper, glue


Bottle caps can be used to create fun word puzzles that help children focus on important words in a Bible lesson. Letters of the alphabet are glued inside bottle caps, and children unscramble the letters to form words. Children use a Bible to help find the answers. Keep the letters and use the puzzles over and over. Find instructions and examples here.

3. Keep Them Guessing


Items related to the lesson that you want to hide


In this guessing game, children are given clues to guess story-related items that are hidden from view. This can help create interest in what the Bible story is about before the lesson even begins. Instructions and examples here.

4. Pass the Parcel


Wrapped gift, paper instructions, prize


This great kids’ party game can be adapted to any lesson! A wrapped gift is passed from child to child until the music stops. The child holding the gift unwraps it and finds instructions on a card. The child completes the action, and then the music starts again. This is repeated until a final wrapped prize is revealed. Instructions for this game.

5. Who’s Holding the Bag?


Bag, questions prepared to ask during the game


Children sit in a circle or around a table. The bag will be passed from child to child around the circle as the teacher sings a song or plays music. Whoever is holding the bag when the song stops must answer a question about the story. Once the child has answered, the song starts again, and the bag continues to be passed around. A video example here.

6. Spinner Game


Paper, pencil or pen, paper clip, prepared questions for review


Quickly and easily create your own review game using a piece of paper, pencil or pen, and a paper clip. The tip of the pencil is held in the middle of the circle, and the paper clip spins around it and becomes the “pointer.” Children answer the question the spinner lands on. Instructions for this game here.

7. Zentangle for Focus


Paper, pen or pencil


Doodling is freeform and flowing, but “tangling” usually follows patterns. This method of drawing is so simple and repetitive that it frees the mind up to relax and focus. Instructions for tangling during a Bible lesson here.

Click Here for Review Activities

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