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The First Church

Scripture Reference: Acts 2:42-47

Suggested Emphasis: Emphasise the fact that the church today is not a building but is made up of Christians. Today, the church does the same things as the early church.

Memory Verse: “All of you together are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of that body.” 1 Corinthians 12:27, ICB

Story Overview:

The early church was excited as they saw more and more people becoming Christians every day. Many people who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost stayed longer to be with the rest of the new Christians. The church devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread (Lord’s Supper), and prayer.

Background Study:

Click here for an overview of the Book of Acts

The church began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) with the Apostles preaching the good news about King Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. See the lesson Sermon at Pentecost. It must have been amazing to witness about 3,000 people accepting and becoming followers of King Jesus through baptism (Acts 2:36-41). The church grew rapidly as “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (NIV).

Thousands of Jews were gathered in Jerusalem for the Pentecost Feast. The holiday was held 50 days after the Passover, so it makes sense that it was known, at that time, by the Greek word for 50, or “Pentecost”. In Leviticus 23:15-22 it was called the “Feast of Weeks” but it is also known to Jews as “Shavuot” which is “weeks” in Hebrew. Pentecost was a week of celebration for the harvest but was also traditionally associated with the giving of Law. This feast explains why so many people were in Jerusalem. It also explains why so many could extend their stay in the city and enjoy the fellowship of their new brothers and sisters in Christ.

This was a very Jewish church in Jerusalem. The apostles were Jewish, and these new Christians would have been Jewish. The Jews that heard the apostles share the good news had come from many places to celebrate the Feast (Acts 2:5-11). After becoming Christians, they enjoyed a time of beautiful fellowship before the time came for many of them to head back to their homes far away. Just before he ascended to heaven, Jesus had said that everything would begin in Jerusalem (Acts 1:7-8) but that it would spread out to the “ends of the earth.”

The Jerusalem church in these early days can serve as a model of what a church should be like. They were an extremely diverse group, yet they came together in the church with devotion, sincerity and joy in four main areas.

  1. The Apostles’ Teaching (Acts 2:42-43):
    The apostles continued to fulfil what Jesus had told them to do. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV). The apostles proved the authority of what they were saying through wonders and miraculous signs. The church was filled with awe (Acts 2:43).
  2. Fellowship (Acts 2:42, 44-47):
    The new Christians continued to meet together every day in the temple courts. Many Jews would run out of food as they had probably come to Jerusalem only prepared to stay for the Feast of Pentecost. Those who had something to sell sold it to provide for others around them. They shared everything. Verse 47 records that they enjoyed favour with the people and that new Christians were added daily. It was as Jesus had said, “All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.” (John 13:35, ICB)
  3. Breaking of Bread (Acts 2:42, 46):
    They did not just meet in the temple courts. They also met together at home. They shared meals. The “breaking of bread” also seems to indicate that they shared the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of the death of Jesus. We read later in Acts that Christians continued to meet on the first day of the week to “break bread” in the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7). Refer to the lesson The Meaning of the Lord’s Supper.
  4. Prayer (Acts 2:42):
    This time of gladness, fellowship and new life was also focused on God through prayer. Again, praying together becomes part of the life of the church. See Peter’s Miraculous Escape from Prison. Other scriptures on prayer: Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 5:13

A church is not a building. The Jerusalem church met in the temple courtyard and homes but was still a church. The church is better than a body, with Jesus Christ being the head and followers of Jesus Christ being parts of the body (Colossians 1:17-18; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

As we continue reading the Book of Acts, the church grows and spreads to far regions. As the church later faced challenges such as persecution from without and disagreement from within, it continued to strive to function like this early church. No group of people is perfect, but even today, being part of a group devoted to one another and the teachings of Jesus Christ is a blessing like no other.

Way to Introduce the Story:

Bring photographs of your family and your house to class today. After you have shown the photos to the children, point to one of the house pictures and ask the children if this is your family. Of course, it is not. The house is only the building where my family lives. “Who is my family?” Let the children name the family members. Now, show a picture of the church building. Ask the children if this is the church. Explain that this is only the building where the church meets. “Who is the church?” Let the children name some members of the church.

The Story:

Amazing events had been taking place in the city of Jerusalem! For one thing, there was a big Holiday. Thousands of Jewish people from many regions and countries had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. This was when the Jews came to thank God for the food and grain he provided them in the harvest. They also thanked God for the Law and the Ten Commandments.

But that wasn’t the most important event in Jerusalem at that time. Everyone was talking about something new. Peter and the other apostles were telling everyone about Jesus and how he became king. They preached about how Jesus had been killed on the cross but had come back alive. Jesus had returned to heaven, but he told the apostles to tell everyone the good news about him before he went.

When people heard about Jesus, many said they wanted to follow him. They said they were sorry for all of their sins, and they were baptised. More and more people decided to obey Jesus and become Christians.

Do you know what a person becomes a part of when they become a Christian? He or she becomes part of the church. Being part of the church means following the church’s leader, Jesus. Being part of the church also means being part of a new family. The other people in the church are your brothers and sisters.

All of Jerusalem’s people who became Christians were now part of the church. It was a very big church! On the first day, there were almost 3,000 people in it. More and more people obeyed the teachings of Jesus and were added to the church every day.

What do you think a church should be like today? Do you think you can be a good example and help your church be like the church in Jerusalem?

The church listened to the apostles teach about Jesus.  
Before he went back to heaven, Jesus said this to the apostles. “ So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:19-20, ICB). So, that is exactly what the apostles did. They taught people about Jesus every day. Sometimes, people needed proof to show that the teachings were true, so the apostles would perform miracles to prove it. The church was filled with awe (Acts 2:43).

In our time, Jesus’ teachings are written in the Bible. How can you help your church read the Bible and listen to people teach about Jesus?

The church had fellowship with one another.
They met together in the temple courts and their homes. They weren’t even worried about not having a big and beautiful church building. If a Christian brother or sister were hungry or needed clothes, then another Christian brother or sister would sell something and use the money to buy what was needed. They shared everything.

What can you do when someone in the church needs help?

The church shared meals and shared the Lord’s Supper.
The church often ate food together. When the first day of the week came around, the church drank grape juice or wine and ate unleavened bread to remember Jesus in the Lord’s Supper. They wanted to remember again and again all of the good things that Jesus had done.

What can you do to help when your church shares meals? What do you do when people remember Jesus by taking the Lord’s Supper?

The church prayed together.
God listens when we talk to him. The church in Jerusalem talked to God. Maybe they asked God to help them be good. Maybe they prayed for their Christian brothers and sisters who were sick. Maybe they prayed that more and more people would follow Jesus.

Do you talk to God? What can you pray about for your church? Let’s bow our heads now and pray for the church.

Ways to Tell the Story:

This story can be told using a variety of methods.  Always remain true to the facts found in the Bible but help children connect to its meaning by using drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student interaction and/or emotion.
Click here for visual aids and story-telling methods.

Click here to download the slideshow or Click here to download the pictures to print.
Each teacher is unique, so only use the illustrations that best relate to how YOU tell the story in THIS lesson. Too many illustrations can be confusing, so eliminate any that cover other stories or details you do not wish to emphasise in this lesson.

Review Questions:

  1. What are the four things that the early church devoted themselves to? the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread (Lord’s Supper), and prayer
  2. Is the church a building? No
  3. What is the church? People who are Christians are the church.

Song Suggestions:

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(How to choose the best learning activities for my teaching situation)



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