
Searching the Scriptures for the Answer

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Is it possible to teach a Bible class without opening a Bible?  The surprising answer is that many people do just that.

When we use curriculum (or even this website) we might find so much information already prepared for us that we forget that we are teaching from God’s Word.  We may use great visual aids and various games and activities but never actually open a Bible in class.

If the teacher is not using a Bible then we shouldn’t be surprised if the children do not feel a need to.

In the Book of Acts people from two different locations were compared by how they studied God’s Word.

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.    Acts 17:11, NIV

I want to be like the Bereans!  I want my students to be like the Bereans!

One way to help teach the children to search the Scriptures is through puzzles and games that require them to open their Bibles and search for the answers.  After teaching about how Jesus Healed Ten Lepers I asked the children to unscramble some important words from Luke 17:11-19.  At first, the children tried to work the puzzle without their Bibles but they soon realised that it was a little harder than they had thought.  With their Bibles open, they were soon able to unscramble these important words: Jesus, Leprosy, Healed, Thanked and Faith.

Click here to learn how to make simple Bottle Cap Word Puzzles for your class.

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