
Post-it In Your Heart Memory Tool

I can still recite some memory verses I learned as a child.  I know for a fact I am remembering them from childhood because they come back to me in the King James Version even though I have not used that version for many years!

So I remember from my childhood “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” from Psalms 119:11, King James Version.

Have confidence that the verses you are helping your children memorise are hidden in their hearts.  Years from now our visual aids and bulletin boards (and even we) may be long forgotten but God’s word is still hidden in their hearts.

I’ve found a couple of easy ways to use Post-it Notes to help children learn verses.  Both ways involve the children repeating the verse a number of times while reading it.  One by one words are removed or covered up while the children continue to repeat the verse.  They must remember the missing words to say the verse.

Version 1:  Words from the verse are written on individual post-its and the post-its are removed one by one as the children begin to learn it.

Version 2: The verse is written on a piece of paper.  One by one the words are covered up with post-its as the children begin to learn it.

Click here for full instructions and a “how to” video.