How Can I Be a Better Teacher?


thinkingWe all want to teach well. We want the children to have fun, love one another, and learn to love God. The unfortunate news is no one is a perfect teacher- but everyone can be a better teacher! In fact, our mistakes as teachers can be turned into opportunities for God’s power and goodness to work through us and remind us that God is always working in the lives of the children we’re teaching, whether we are perfect teachers or not. Remember that showing children love is one of the greatest ways for us to teach them about God’s love, and that is the most important lesson for us all!

Here are some ways to improve as a teacher:

1. Pray

You will not be able to improve without God’s wisdom and help.

2. Read the bible

It doesn’t matter how good your teaching methods are if you are not accurately teaching the Word of God.

3. Talk to children

Find out what they like to do in school.  Ask them how they like to learn.
Tips on Talking to Children.

4. Observe other teachers

You will learn new things and find out which methods you would like to use and which methods would not.  Even the most experienced teacher can be energised by observing someone else teach.

5. Read books and articles about teaching

You will find books at the library, good Christian book stores, websites or Pinterest.  Ask other teachers what books they would recommend.
Learn to discern.  Not every book in the library or every article on the internet is good. If you are not sure about something ask someone who is a mature Christian to help you understand.

6. Try something new

If you do something the same way every time you will become even more bored than the children. Teaching Ideas Here.

7. Practice

You will never improve if you don’t give it a try.

8. Spend extra time in preparation

If you are always preparing at the last minute, then you will not improve.
Step-By-Step Instructions here.

9. Write a lesson plan

Taking the time to write it out often clarifies your thoughts and gives your class more focus.  And looking back at some of your previous lesson plans will often spark new ideas.  Try these Lesson Plan Templates.

10. Reflect on your teaching

As a teacher you will probably learn more than the children do!  After class take the time to think about what happened in your class.  If I teach on Sunday morning I often spend a little time Sunday evening reflecting.  What went well?  What would you do differently next time?  Teacher Reflection Template  Another way to do this is to ask someone to watch you teach and give you feedback.

I hope you will always try to improve as a teacher.   God bless you as you teach!

Better Bible Teacher

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