32 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much for creating this website! I help with the children’s department at my church, and am so glad I stumbled upon your site while doing a little online curriculum browsing! Our church is a young, growing church and we are always seeking ways to develop and improve our children’s ministry. Your website is such a wonderful resource – thank you for sharing it freely!!

    1. It is people just like you I had in mind when I created this website. I’m so glad you are finding it useful. God bless you and your children’s department as you continue to share God’s Word with children.

  2. A wonderful site! I’m taking a few of your songs to Haiti with me in a few weeks. God bless you and your ministry!

    1. Hi Annette, Thanks for the encouragement. All the best in Haiti. Thinking about the children there singing the songs makes me so happy.

  3. This site is great! My sister and I direct the Sunday school at our church together. We just got a new curriculum and are trying to find ways of spicing up the Sunday school. This will be a great resource for us, thank you. 🙂

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