32 thoughts on “About

  1. I loved the “Good old Daniel” song but I don’t recognize the original tune and I can’t see that it is provided. would you mind sharing the name of the tune?

    1. Hi there, Anna

      I’m glad you enjoyed the song. My husband and I learned that song here in New Zealand when we were teenagers (which means a long time ago!) and I have never seen sheet music for it. I’ve not heard the tune anywhere else, either.

      Kids always love the song, though. Particularly the part where the lions roar!

  2. Mary, what an important ministry you have with missionaries worldwide. Fifteen years ago I tried recruiting some teachers to prepare lessons like yours so missionaries did not have to start preparing curricula from scratch, but no one seemed to have the time. Praise God that you not only made the time, but the Lord prepared you for the task by exposing you first hand to the need. We are thankful to be partnering with the Otumoetai congregation and South Pacific Bible College in other ways. Now, we will be sharing this fantastic resource with all the missionaries we know.

    Thank you.


    Bob Waldron, Director for Research and Global Planning
    Missions Resource Network

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Bob. Funny, but when you were trying to recruit someone fifteen years ago, I was already working on this, in paper form. It has been a long-held dream to get it online. I would love to work on it full-time but have to just plug away at it for now. I’m so glad teachers are finding it useful! Thanks again.

  3. Fantastic!! What a great job you have done! This is so helpful for those of us who are not so creative… 🙂 Thank you!!
    God Bless you!!
    Vibeke (from Norway)

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